Create a Health Check Report
In this exercise we will be running a health check on a Revit model using Ideate Automation. This process will reduce the amount of hands-on time needed in order to ensure project stability and consistency across your Revit project files. This process can be used to update a pre-formatted existing Excel file or PowerBI template, for example, with timely data about your Revit model health. The image below shows an example from an Excel template that is part of the Ideate Automation installation and can be fully customized to meet your needs.

Before you begin, check that your setup can meet these requirements:
- Ideate Automation 3.0 or later — download.
- The latest versions of these solutions — download. Each must be installed and either licensed or in trial mode.
- Ideate BIMLink
- Ideate Explorer
- IdeateApps
- Complete the Open File Exercise first, to ensure you are properly set up.
Start the Task
- Close all open sessions of Revit.
- Launch Ideate Automation and select Create
- From the Ideate Software Scripts folder, select the folder called 02-Health_Check then pick the script at the right called
- Review the description of this task below, then pick Next.

Task Script Variables
- Revit Files: Browse to pick one or more Revit files.
- Use File List: Leave unchecked for now.
- Template File Location: Browse to select the Excel file template. The default path is to a template that ships with Ideate Automation.
- Export Folder: Browse to select a folder location for the data exports.*
- Export File Name: The default file name includes a timestamp prefix with a file name suffix. You can modify the name here but if your task is processing more than one file, you should leave the Revit filename as part of the name for the Excel output.
- Subfolder: Review the location of the revision links needed. If your Ideate BIMLink content is customized, you may need to browse to that location.
- Include Annotation Issues: When this value is set to true, the Revit file will be opened with all worksets open so that annotation clashes can be included in the report. This option does add more time to the overall file processing.
- Include Views on Sheets Only: This option also relates to Ideate Annotate. When the value is set to true, Revit views that are not on a sheet will be ignored and the Task will complete sooner.
- Select Next. and then confirm the task selection just prior to clicking on Save and Run.

Once the task is complete, you will see ‘Completed’ in the task Status field.
The result of this process is a uniquely named Excel file for each of the selected Revit files.

Related topic: Schedule a Task
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