Review Annotation

On the Review tab of Ideate Annotate you can investigate and clear or dismiss common Revit annotation issues to keep your project documentation legible and ready to publish.

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Review Revit annotation elements with Ideate Annotate


The Options portion of the UI is where the selection set can be refined by sorting, filtering, and searching.
Display:Sort by:Filter:, and Search: are the four Options that are described in more detail below.


The Display drop-down controls the scope of annotative elements displayed, with options of  Entire ProjectPlaced Views and SheetsOpen ViewsActive View, or Current Selection.
At the bottom of the list is an option to create a new filter of your own.

Placed Views and Sheets includes:

Sort By

The Sort by drop-down controls the order in which the results are displayed.


The list of annotation elements can also be further refined via the Filter option drop-down. The filter named <Dismissed Issues> is a built-in filter that allows you to review any Issues that had previously been dismissed. 

Ideate Filters provide a dynamic, customizable, and rule-based method to quickly filter Revit model elements based on your specified parametric conditions. Ideate Filter rules can utilize the power of the data model to create dynamic filtered selection sets. These rules can be saved in the project and re-used in other project or even saved as standards within your Revit templates.

Read more about Ideate Filters in Annotate.


The Search tool bar will isolate the selection set to only include elements that have the search term found within one of these fields:

The search supports multiple terms (in any order) and the use of quotes “” to look for terms in a specific order. As you type, the search is narrowing down the results displayed below in the Issue List.

Issue List

The main body displays a structured list of Annotation ‘Issues’. The tree structure of the list can be expanded or collapsed using the relevant icons in the tree. There is a right-click menu for additional control of the tree as well as to provide direct access to other tools such as XRay.

Review Revit annotation elements with Ideate Annotate

Within the Issue List you can Select ElementsZoom to Elements, and Review Common Properties.

Within the element list you can Select Elements or Zoom to Elements

Select Elements

Select elements by picking one or more of the check boxes. Additional elements can be pre-selected independently by clicking on the element name instead of the check box.

Zoom to Elements

Double-clicking on an element name will open a view where the element exists and zoom to the element. In some cases the element may be invisible, in which case Ideate XRay can be launched from the Annotate Tools or the Right-Click menu.


There are several tools that are shared across the three tabs in Ideate Annotate. For this section we are focusing on those that are unique to the Review tab. You can read more in the Tools section of Browse Annotation.

Full Analysis

Review Revit annotation elements with Ideate Annotate

Analyzing all annotation issues can be time consuming in a Revit project with lots of annotation. For this reason, only a partial analysis of issues is performed when the Display is set to Entire Project or Placed Views and Sheets.

Dismiss IssuesReview Revit annotation elements with Ideate Annotate

As you review annotation issues on the Review tab of Ideate Annotate, you may decide that a clash or invisibility issue is acceptable. When this happens you can right-click on one or more conditions and select Dismiss Issue. Issues that have been dismissed will be excluded from the export that is available from the Detail View as shown above. You can see the list of issues that have been dismissed by changing the Filter drop-down from the Review tab to <Dismissed Issues>.

To undo the Dismiss actions, access the Settings and use the option to “Clear All Dismissed Issues”.

Dismiss annotation clashes

Import IssuesReview Revit annotation elements with Ideate Annotate

The import issues button can be used to import a CSV file of issues which has been created either from the View Issues button, as shown below, or via an Ideate Automation result. This option is useful when it takes a long time to complete the Full Analysis. The results of that process can be saved by one person and then imported by another at a later point in time. Elements that no longer exist in the model at the time of import will be excluded from the results.

View IssuesReview Revit annotation elements with Ideate Annotate

The list of issues found within the Entire Project, Placed Views and Sheets, Active View, or Current Selection can be manually exported to a file by selecting the Detail View button as shown below. This list will exclude any element or set of elements (in the case of Annotation Clash) that has been dismissed.

This list can also be generated and exported to Excel via Ideate Automation.

manually export Ideate Annotate issues

Information Pane

At the bottom of Ideate Annotate is the information pane, where the properties of the selected element will be displayed.

The information pane can also be hidden or shown via the hover over tooltip.

manually export Ideate Annotate issues

Issue Types 

Please visit this page for details on Issue Types.

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