The main dialog within Ideate Sticky displays the list of all the Stickies defined within the current Revit project. Selecting the column header for each of these properties will force each row of information to be sorted accordingly. See below for details on each Sticky property field.
Additional information about the currently selected Stickies can also be found within the Sticky Schedule/Image Detail area.
The source displays the file type icon associated with the related file type: Excel, Word, or PDF.
If "Auto-update?" is checked, the Sticky will automatically be updated on Revit project open. Learn more about Auto-Update Read: Update the Sticky in Revit Projects with Ideate Sticky.
The name of the Sticky will be the name of the associated Revit schedule, as displayed within the Project Browser. This field can be edited by:
The status field reflects the state of the specified Excel file and is a read-only property.
The "Current" status indicates that the Excel file can be found and that the Sticky is synchronized with the latest version of that file. This condition does not apply to AutodeskDocs files.
The "File Not Found" status indicates that the Excel file does not exist at the path specified (within the Excel File column) OR that the location specified cannot be reached due to network connectivity. This error message does not apply to Autodesk Docs files.
The "Out of date" status indicates that the Excel file exists at the path specified but that the Excel file has been updated after the last time it was imported into Revit via Ideate Sticky. This error message does not apply to Autodesk Docs files. This condition can occur when any of the following are true:
The status of "Worksheet Not Found" is an indication that the Excel file exists but that a worksheet with the specified name does not exist within the file. This can happen if the worksheet has been deleted or renamed. To address this issue use the "Update From" button to re-specify the appropriate worksheet name. This process will not change the name of the Sticky. The name of the Sticky can be changed by selecting the text within the Ideate Sticky dialog or by editing the Schedule name from the Project Browser.
The status of "Worksheet Region Not Found" is an indication that the Excel file exists but that the worksheet region specified does not exist within the file. This can happen if the named region has been deleted or renamed. To address this issue use the "Update From" button to re-specify the worksheet region to be printed. This process will not change the name of the Sticky. The name of the Sticky can be changed by selecting the text within the Ideate Sticky dialog or by editing the Schedule name from the Project Browser.
Note: Starting with May 2021 release, Sticky is able to switch between older BIM360 and newer Autodesk Docs paths. Please make sure to update to the latest release. Please see here for more info.
The Excel file shown in the Sticky matches the version of the Excel file that is cached/synced* locally within the user's Autodesk Docs files. This version may not match the cloud version. The status fields of online/stale both indicate that the current version shown in Sticky may not be the latest. To ensure that the latest version is displayed, use Update From to force the download of the latest version from the cloud, or select the Download/Sync* options within the Autodesk Docs Desktop Connector .
*These names seem to be in flux from Autodesk [last updated 2020 May]
The Excel file referenced cannot be read from Autodesk Docs Desktop Connector. The most common reason for this is that the local file is not cached. It's also possible that the user is not logged into Autodesk Docs or does not have permission to access the file. If the file is cached/synced then the conditions noted for “File Not Found” and "Error opening file" conditions could apply.
The date of the "Last Updated" field reflects the date and time of the last update for the Sticky. This field is compared to the timestamp on the Excel file to determine the Status field.
The file field displays the full path and file name of each Sticky source file.
This field displays the current path type for each specific Sticky. The allowed path types vary based on the project type (non-workshared, local network, Revit Server, or cloud based workshared) and Sticky source file location. When more than one type is valid for a specific Sticky, picking the field allows change to another valid type.
Additional information about the currently selected Stickies can also be found within the Sticky Schedule/Image Detail area. These properties will display as < varies > when more than one Sticky is selected and the values differ. See below for details on each of these additional properties.
The folder detail is useful when re-pathing many Stickies from one location to another. When the selected Stickies all have the same folder location they can be easily pathed to a new location by using the Update From button.
The worksharing field reflects the worksharing status of each Sticky (Schedule View) at the time the Ideate Sticky dialog is launched. Note that this field is visible only within workshared Revit projects.
The Schedule View workset was not owned or borrowed when the Ideate Sticky dialog was launched. This is an indication that the Sticky may be able to be edited from this dialog. When a Sticky with a worksharing status of "Available" is selected for updating or deletion, Revit will check with the central file to determine, at that time, if the Schedule View or Image can be made editable.
There was an issue connecting to the Revit central file. The file may be missing or there are other problems connecting to the file.
The Schedule View workset is owned by the current Revit user and may be edited by that user.
The Schedule View workset cannot be accessed and the Revit worksharing condition is considered at-risk; the Revit file cannot by synchronized with the Central file.
The Schedule View workset is currently owned by another Revit user and therefore the Sticky cannot be edited at this time.
The page/worksheet field displays either the page number or the name of the worksheet (or tab), within the specified source file. If the name of the worksheet is changed within Excel the Sticky will not be able to be updated until the worksheet field is changed. Use the Update From button to modify the worksheet selection.
The worksheet region field displays the name of the named region available within the specified worksheet. This defines the area within the worksheet that will be imported into Revit. If the name of the worksheet region is changed within Excel, the Sticky will not be able to be updated until the worksheet region field is changed. Use the Update From button to modify the worksheet region.
DPI is the dots per inch setting that applies to Sticky images only. The default value is 300. Select one or many Stickies then use Update From to adjust this value.
The View and Sheet properties are provided as context for each Sticky. Use the sheet value to understand whether the Stickies are in use within the sheet set.