The Apply Dependents method within Ideate ViewCreator is designed to replicate the view naming, scope or crop box, and grid settings that exist for one or more dependent views onto a new set of parent views.
In this exercise we will use the Revit sample file named rme_advanced_sample_project.rvt.
The file may already be installed on your computer at C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 202x\Samples.
Revit sample files from Autodesk are available for download 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
The sample project has (3) dependent plan views under the parent view called "Level 1 HVAC Duct Plan". To create (3) new matching dependent views for other plan views, follow these steps:
Start Ideate ViewCreator
Pick option to Apply Dependents.
Review the rule and ensure that the one called "DEPENDENT" is selected, then pick the "Select Views" button to proceed.
On the Select Dependents page, select the first three listed for Level 1 HVAC Duct Plan (A,B, and C), then select Next.
On the Select Views to Apply Dependents page, pick Levels 1,2, and 3 for the Lighting, Piping and Plumbing views within the Design folder for a total of (9) selected views, then pick Next.
Within the Preview page, the (27) new dependent view names will be displayed for review. Use the Shift+ select method to pick a few of the Piping plan views, then pick the Delete button to remove them from the preview.
Select Create Views to complete the process, then Done to exit back to Revit.
NOTE: This method does not yet support the copying of view reference elements to the new dependents due to an API limitation.
Related topic: Preview Dialog