What is a Revit Warning?

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What is a Warning?

While working in the Revit model we are prevented from taking certain actions, such as giving a view a name that is already in use. However, we are not prevented from taking actions that Revit deems suspect, such as creating a duplicate of an element and then placing the copy on top of the original. In that instance, Revit will log this bad idea as a warning, which typically displays as a pop up window as shown.

Example of a Revit warning

Though they disappear from our minds, Revit keeps track of each and every one of these warnings within the Revit project.  Over time, the presence of these warnings could result in poor performance, slow synchronization times, incorrect schedule data, or even file corruption.

Access Revit warnings from the Manage tabYou can review the project's warnings from the Revit>Manage tab, but this list does not help with prioritizing the warnings. This dialog also cannot stay open while you work in resolving the warnings, so to save time and sanity, use Ideate Explorer to manage the warnings in your project.


Which Warnings Are Critical?

In your Revit model, you have numerous unresolved warnings and want to understand if some are more critical than others. Can some be ignored? Are others more likely to cause performance issues and therefore should be assigned a higher priority?

Warnings associated with calculations affect performance, so Ideate Explorer is set up by default to flag many of these warnings as high-ranked warnings. These calculation-related warnings relate to areas, rooms, spaces, joined elements, analytical elements, or MEP systems. The volume of errors is also an important factor as much as the type of warning. Having 100 warnings that are not 'critical' will impact file performance more than a handful of 'critical' warnings. Additionally, based on your discipline and the specifics of your project, you may need to adjust the importance level of some warnings.

Can I change which warnings are considered high-ranked?

Yes, you can and should review the ranking settings and build your own standard. Warnings that some deem critical may be considered non-critical by others. For example, ‘Unbound Room or Space’ warnings may populate all at once if a link is unloaded or if the project is in flux. In those instances the warnings may not warrant being high-ranked.  Likewise, in some projects the off-axis lines may be a necessary evil due to existing conditions.

Related topic: Set Warning Standards


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