Customizing the Home Page

The content that displays on the left-hand side of the main dialog of Ideate BIMLink can be customized to provide your preferred instructions and/or tips to end-users. The custom content is limited to text content only and has some unique syntax requirements. If you’d like to edit this text and have questions, do not hesitate to contact our support team.

This content is saved in the XMAL file format and is stored by default at C:\ProgramData\Ideate\Ideate BIMLink. The contents of these files will display per these conditions:

Basic_Project — displays when Ideate BIMLink has not yet been used within the active project (RVT or RTE) file. The content of this file should be used to provide getting started instructions or other tips for those not familiar with how to use Ideate BIMLink.

Advanced_Project — displays when Ideate BIMLink is being used within the active project (RVT or RTE) file and there are already link definitions saved within the file. The content of this file could be used to highlight advanced Ideate BIMLink tips.

Basic_Family —  displays when Ideate BIMLink has not yet been used within the active family (RFA). The content of this file should be used to provide getting started instructions or other tips for those not familiar with how to use Ideate BIMLink within a family file.

Advanced_Family — displays when Ideate BIMLink is being used within an RFA file and there are already link definitions saved within the family. The content of this file could be used to highlight advanced family editing tips.

Related topic: Deploying Custom Content

Customize the home page of Ideate BIMLink

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