Analyze, rename, or merge unused Revit text types and fonts found within Revit projects, templates or family files with Ideate StyleManager.
Text types are used primarily by text elements to define the font and size properties. Text types are also used by Stair Path types and Schedules. Use Ideate StyleManager to merge unapproved text types into your company or client standards. Text Types defined within families (e.g. Title blocks, Tags, Generic annotation, etc.) do not impact the project-defined text types. For this reason, the analyze process for Text types is limited to the current project, template or family file.
Topics in this section:
A duplicate text type is one that has all the same built-in properties for text as shown under both the Graphics and Text groupings. These duplicates are flagged with a color to make it more obvious that there is a duplicate. When the ‘Isolate Duplicates’ filter is checked, these text types will be grouped together to make the review process easier.
Use the merge option to swap all instances of one text type for another.
Use this tool in all your template files to prevent downstream garbage in your projects.
Try the right-click option to rename the text types as appropriate.
Use the Font tool to review the use of fonts within title blocks, tags, and generic annotation families.
Fonts are used in many Revit element types, including but not limited to text types, dimension types, labels, and much more. Use Ideate StyleManager to audit all the ways in which fonts are referenced to ensure that only approved fonts are used within the Revit project, template and family files.
Topics in this section:
Fonts include an analyze option for Annotation Families, Model Families, and Schedules. The purpose of these options is to limit a performance burden associated with checking families and schedules for font usage. When the Schedule option is checked, the analyze method will review the use of fonts within the project and also within the project schedules. This work can be slow in projects where there are many schedules. When the Annotation or Model Families options are used, the analyze method will also include a review of all the families loaded within the project. This work will likely be slow, so use this option judiciously. After the Analyze Option is performed, the option will be reset to unchecked.
To use the Analyze Options:
*In projects with less than 50 schedules, the usage of fonts will always include the Schedules analysis work. Similarly, in projects with less than 25 annotation families, the usage of fonts will always include Annotation Families analysis work.
The Analyze and Merge functions for fonts within the Annotation and Model Families may take a long time.
Be sure to do a font analysis with all of the Analyze options within your Revit template files to help ensure font consistency in all future projects.
Font analysis works for nested families but only when the family is a generic annotation family that is nested one level deep. For families that have deeper levels of nesting you may need to open the family file first.