Ideate Filters provide a dynamic, customizable, and rule-based method to quickly filter Revit model elements based on your specified parametric conditions.
Filters are available in the Options pane of both the Browse and Review tabs of Ideate Annotate.
Other rules that are available in Ideate Annotate that aren’t covered here are Display Rules and Tag Rules.
A simple Filter Rule that comes loaded with IdeateApps that would commonly be selected while in Browse is Dimensions with Overrides
Selecting this filter and changing Display: to <Entire Project> and Sort by: to View quickly provides a short list of views that can be reviewed on the fly by double-clicking each view in the Results window to inspect the override.
To access the list of currently loaded filter rules, pick Settings → Manage Rules.
This opens the Manage Rules dialog, shown below, which list the currently loaded rules within your Revit Project.
section at the bottom. New
or Duplicate
to create new rulesEdit
a rule.Delete
a rule.Export
and Import
to transfer rules between Revit projects. The Import button will open within the default location for each Ideate Software solution. Refer to Ideate Apps>Annotate Sample Content to learn more.Each filter rule must have have a unique name. You will be presented with a warning inline with the Filter name if this is not the case.
Related topics: Ideate Apps → Annotate Sample Content