Adding to a Revit Deployment

There a two ways to include Ideate Software products in your Revit deployment:

Adding Individual Ideate Software Solutions
Adding Ideate Software Installer

Both processes are similar, but depending on the existing state of your machine, the two methods could produce different results.

Adding Individual Ideate Software Solutions

Note: Automatic activation of standalone or cloud network licenses is not supported, unless you add the Ideate Software Installer instead of the individual MSI’s. The activation process will need to be completed by the user within Revit. FlexLM network licensed products will work without needing further steps from the end user, provided the license server is running correctly.

If the target PC already has a configured license of the same Ideate Software product, the existing license configuration will not be overwritten. This is to protect already activated standalone license numbers. If you would like to change the license type or server name in bulk, add the Ideate Software Installer instead, or use the process described here.

Individual Ideate Software product versions can be added to a Revit deployment using the "Include Additional Software" screen. 

  1. Run the Revit Deployment Creation. 
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to create the deployment until you arrive at the screen prompting to Include Additional Software. 
  3. Click the Add button and browse to the appropriate MSI 
  4. Enter the appropriate command line parameters. Note: This method uses command line parameters but without the switches. For example, IDEATE_LICENSE_TYPE=network IDEATE_LICENSE_SERVER=@yourservername specifies Ideate Explorer to be installed as network looking for a license to ‘yourservername’ . 
  5. Continue through the deployment creation process, click Create when finished.  


Ideate Software Revit deployment dialog

The software will install along with Revit when this deployment is run, using the specified license type. This same process can be used to update the Ideate Software to the latest point release.

Adding Ideate Software Installer to Revit Deployment:

If you wish to change the existing license type or license server when installing the latest Revit and Ideate Software package, please follow these steps:

  1. Download Ideate Software Installer and unzip the package
  2. Configure license.txt with your license info
  3. Run the Revit Deployment Creation. 
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to create the deployment until you arrive at the screen prompting to Include Additional Software. 
  5. Click the Add button and browse to Ideate Software Installer.exe
  6. Enter the appropriate command line parameters. (/SILENT or /SKIP_[product code]) NOTE: make sure to add the “/”, otherwise it will default to “\” and your parameters will be ignored!
  7. Continue through the deployment creation process, click Create when finished.
  8. Complete the deployment creation process
  9. Open the folder containing your new deployment, navigate to “...\Img\ADDONS\ADDON_IDEATE SOFTWARE INSTALLER_0”
  10. Copy the IdeateInstallers folder and the license.txt with your license info into the location above:
  11. Run your deployment as usual

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