When you use Ideate Clone from IdeateApps for Revit to duplicate an existing Revit Sheet, you can optionally specify new unplaced Views to be located on the new Sheet in the same location as those placed on the originally selected Sheet. The three choices for new Viewports are explained below.
The checkbox option to “Align plan views using model coordinates” controls the placement of any views specified within the New Sheet column of the Viewport Options dialog. When this is checked (default) any plan-based view will be placed on the new sheet such that its model coordinates match the corresponding view on the Existing Sheet. When this is unchecked any plan-based view will be placed to align with the center of the other view. All non-plan views are aligned by the upper-left corner.
In the example shown above, the existing Sheet has the “Floor Plan — Level 1” as a placed view (viewport). Under the corresponding New Sheet column you will have the option of selecting creating a duplicate view or any of the existing unplaced views that are similar. Picking “Floor Plan — Level 2” will create a new sheet with that view aligned with corresponding view on the Existing Sheet.
The checkbox for “Show similar views only” filters out unplaced views that are not likely choices. You can uncheck this box to see a list of all unplaced views.
When creating a new Sheet with Ideate Clone you may also want to substitute the existing Viewport for a new, duplicated View. Ideate Clone supports all three Revit variations for creating duplicate Views: Duplicate View, Duplicate with Detailing, Duplicate as Dependent. You can learn more about these Revit options in the Autodesk Revit Online Help.
Schedules and Legend Views support re-use on a Sheet without the need for a duplicated View. For this reason any Schedule or Legend will default to itself, meaning it will be re-displayed on the new Sheet. If you wish to, you may choose “None”, or pick another Schedule or Legend to swap in its place.