Create Detached Models

If a Revit Central File is moved, copied, or renamed, it will no longer function correctly until it is resaved as a new file. Use the AUT-SaveFileAs_RVT script to safely create detached copies of your Revit models.

Topics in this Section

Task Script Selection

  1. Launch Ideate Automation and select Create.
  2. From the Ideate Software Scripts folder, select the folder called 04 File Maintenance then pick the script at the right called AUT-SaveFileAs_RVT.
  3. Review the description of this task below, then pick Next.

Task Script Variables

Now that you’ve loaded the script to create a Task, it’s time to set the Task Script Variables. Please note that in our example image, Show Additional Options has been enabled by the + in the upper-right corner of the dialog. They are hidden by default. Read more about Display or Hide Variables 

Double-click to Enlarge

Revit Files: Click Browse… to add multiple Revit models.

  • This script also has the ¨ Use File List option for Revit Files:. Read more about how to Use a Revit File List.

¨ Open All Worksets Hidden. The default setting is off which will allow the task to complete in less time.

þ Suppress Revit Messages Hidden. The default setting suppresses as many Revit messages as possible in order to allow the task to run to completion with no user input.

¨ Audit Model The default setting is off. Enabling this setting will increase the length of time that the task will run.

¨ Compact Model The default setting is off. Enabling this setting will increase the length of time that the task will run.

Detach from Central: Hidden. The core function of this script. The default option to DetachAndPreserveWorksets should be respected.

New Name for SaveAs Model: The default setting will automatically create a new model name based on the date and the Revit File Name. This can be overwritten.

New Location for SaveAs Model: If processing multiple models in a single task, a subfolder will be created for each.

þ Overwrite Existing File Hidden. The default setting is on.

þ Save As New Central Model Hidden. The default setting is on.

Preview View (Optional): Hidden. The default value is empty.


Max. Number of Backups: The default setting is 1.

Set the open workset default: The default setting is Specify. All, Editable, and Last Viewed are the other options.

Confirm Task Selections

On the Confirm Tasks Selections page, review all variables and note that the Task name is editable.

Select Save and Run to complete the task.

Now you can add these models to Files in Ideate Automation, and proceed to run any number of scripts, knowing that your tasks won’t be interrupted by Revit worksharing notifications.

Please note that you may need to open the Manage Links dialog in Revit to address any broken paths. This script does not make any changes to any links or linked file locations.

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