Right-click Menu

The Ideate Explorer right-click menu is activated by right-clicking on the mouse while the cursor is within the Results window. Many of the right-click menu options are also displayed as tools along the top of the Results window such as Ideate DeleteIdeate Query, and Detail View or are existing Revit functions, duplicated here to enhance selection workflows such as Zoom Tools, Create Similar, Selection Box, and Isolate Elements.

There are additional functions, outlined in this topic that only appear from the right-click menu.

NOTE: The Warnings tab has a unique right-click option designed to support the deletion of duplicate elements. Learn more: Delete ALL Identical Instances

Expand / Collapse

The options to Expand, Expand all, Collapse, or Collapse All is always available from the right-click menu. The options to Expand and Collapse will impact only the highlighted tree while Expand All and Collapse All applies to the entire tree. Using the Expand option will results in every branch of the tree underneath the selected branch, to become expanded.

Highlighted versus Checked Elements

The list of right-click options will change depending upon the state of both the highlighted item (there can only be one highlight at a time) and the checked elements. Elements that are checked within Ideate Explorer are put into the active Revit selection state. The item that is highlighted will be reflected within the Information Pane. These two types of ‘selections’ are intentionally different to allow you to review the data about an element without altering the active selection state.

In the image below the opening element is highlighted while the concrete floor element is selected. An element can be both selected and highlighted. Using the right-click option will always set the highlight to the part of the tree where the cursor is. 

Highlight Right-click Options

When a Category is highlighted, the Select by Category will become avialable. When an Element is highlighted (at the deepest level of the tree) the options to Show Element and Create Similar will also become available.

Checked Elements Right-click Options

In the image below there are two items checked. Notice that it indicates “2 items selected” at the bottom right of the dialog. The checked/selected items will be the ones impacted by these right-click options: Delete, Detail View, Ideate Query, Show Elements, Selection Box, and Isolate Elements.

The highlighted element only will be used for the Create Similar option.

Select by Category

Now, when hovering over the Category level of the element tree, a new right-click option of Select by Category is available. Similar to the Selection Filter tool, this option limits a windowed selection to only the elements of the category. To use this option:

  1. Select a Category from the element tree as shown below. This will turn the category blue.
  2. Use right-click and pick Select by Category.
  3. In a non-3d view within the Revit model, make a crossing or boundary window.

The selected elements will be limited to only the category specified.

NOTE: This option, along with the Selection Filter tool, are designed to maintain the previously selected items. When the selection window occurs, the current selection state will temporarily turn off (uncheck) but after the selection window is completed the previously selected items along with the new results will display.

Show Elements

When one or more elements is selected (checkbox) the Show Elements option will be available. This option works best when only one element is in the selection set. Learn more: Show Elements.

Detail Element(s)

This will send information based on the cursor location to the Detail View. If the cursor is hovering over an instance, only that instance is sent.  If the cursor is hovering over the Category, then the entire category is sent to the Detail View. To send only the checked elements to the Detail View the Detail View option should be used. Learn more: Detail View.


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