
The Tasks window is where you can schedule and manage Ideate Automation tasks to run daily or weekly without user interaction.

Topics in this Section

Create a Scheduled Task

The first step to creating a Scheduled Task is to select a Completed Task from the Task List on the Home page and click Schedule.

This will open the Ideate Scheduled Task Wizard where you can modify the Name and add a Description of the Task.

The Trigger tab is where you specify the recurrence of this task.

The Command tab will let you review the details prior to a Save or Save and Run of the Scheduled Task.

When you open Tasks from the menu on the left, you will see the task that you just created, as well as any other Scheduled Tasks.

IMPORTANT: In order for a Scheduled Task to run successfully, the computer needs to be powered on! Your Windows credentials are required at the time that the task is scheduled to run. Ideate Automation Scheduled Tasks will wake up your computer if it is Locked or is in Sleep mode but will not if it has been powered down or you have logged out of Windows.

Read more details in Performance Tips for Ideate Automation.

Manage Scheduled Tasks

As new Scheduled Tasks are created, this list will grow. Any task can be selected to display a summary of the Task Details and options to Edit, Run Now, Clone as Task, or Delete.

The Last Run Status, Next and Last Run time fields are related to the scheduled runs of the task. This is intended to help you ensure the schedule is being executed correctly. Any task launched via the ‘Run Now’ button or through the Home Page task list will have its status displayed on the Home Page, as a regular, unscheduled task run. 

Sharing a Task

Note the Import, Export, and Refresh options as well as the Search: bar along the top.

In order for the imported task to work correctly, the receiver of the task may need to Refresh the File list as described on this help page: Manage Live Cloud Models.

Related: Improving the Task Execution Speed

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