Sample Content

Ideate Automation ships with sample content for use with the respective Ideate Software product(s) including script files and some Excel templates.

To learn more, review Basic Scripting with Ideate Automation

The sample content is organized into two main folders called Automation Scripts and Ideate Software Scripts

sample scripts for Ideate Automation for Revit

Automation Scripts  

Automation scripts are prefixed with AUT- and don’t require additional Ideate Software products. See the table below for a description of each Automation script.

Folder Script Description
01 General AUT-Generate_Revit_File_List Generates a file list based on the selected Revit files. The resulting .txt file can be used by other scripts that use the File List option.
01 General AUT-Get_File_Data This script gathers Revit file-specific data, such as workset names, which is a prerequisite for certain other Automation scripts such as AUT-Open_Exclude_Worksets.
01 General AUT-Open_RVT_Files Opens a new Revit session for each of the selected Revit files. This task is designed to be scheduled to save time at the beginning of the work day.
01 General AUT-Open_RVT_Files_Same_Session Opens each required version of Revit for the selected files. Files that require the same version will be opened within the same session. This task is designed to be scheduled to save time at the beginning of the work day.
02 File Auditing AUT-Families-RFA For a folder of family files, reports on the family data.
02 File Auditing AUT-Families-RVT For a Revit project file, reports on the families included in the file.
02 File Auditing AUT-Revit_File_Data For the selected Revit files, get basic Revit data about the file including the time to open, file size, Project GUID and more.
03 Publishing AUT-AdskCloud-Publish_Model Attempts to create a new publish version for a model on BIM 360 / Autodesk Construction Cloud. If there are no changes to publish (the model is up-to-date in the cloud) then this task will succeed but a new publish version won't be created.
03 Publishing AUT-Export_DWG For each Revit file selected, starts Revit, and creates a DWG and related files as defined by the specified sheet/view set.
03 Publishing AUT-Export_DWG_Long For each Revit file selected, starts Revit, and creates a DWG and related files as defined by the specified sheet/view set. Matches the Revit long file naming convention.
03 Publishing AUT-Export_IFC For each Revit file selected, starts Revit, and exports an IFC model with the option to use a specified view and the ability to import IFC setup data from a JSON file.
03 Publishing AUT-Export_NWC For each Revit file selected, starts Revit, and creates one or more NWC files as defined by the specified view set.
03 Publishing AUT-Export_PDF_Combined For each Revit file selected, starts Revit, and creates a single PDF document from a specified list of sheet names as defined, sorted, and filtered by a Revit sheet set.
03 Publishing AUT-Export_PDF_Individual For each Revit file selected, starts Revit, and creates a PDF document per sheet from a specified list of sheet names as defined, sorted, and filtered by a Revit sheet set.
04 File Maintenance AUT-Audit_Compact_RVT For the selected Revit files, performs an optional Audit during file open and then does a Sync with Central, along with an optional Compact.
04 File Maintenance AUT-Families-Upgrade For a folder of family files, opens families with a specified version of Revit then uses SAVEAS to place in a new location.
04 File Maintenance AUT-RemoveBackupFiles For a folder of files, identifies the backup .rfa and .rvt files and deletes them.
04 File Maintenance AUT-SaveFileAs_RVT Opens the selected Revit project file(s), and performs a SaveFileAs to a specified local network or Autodesk Desktop Connector location. This script also includes options to Audit and Compact the file. Use this script for archiving models.

Ideate Software Scripts  

Ideate Software scripts are prefaced with ISW- to indicate that one or more Ideate Software product is required. See below for a summary of these scripts.

Folder Script Description
01 Publishing - Dynamic IBL-Export_DWG_Dynamic For each Revit file selected, starts Revit, runs Ideate BIMLink, and creates a DWG and related files from a specified list of sheet/view names as defined, sorted, and filtered by an Ideate BIMLink definition.
01 Publishing - Dynamic IBL-Export_IFC_Dynamic Creates an IFC model for each view as defined by an Ideate BIMLink definition. The built-in link filters on views that begin with IFC.
01 Publishing - Dynamic IBL-Export_NWC_Dynamic For each Revit file selected, starts Revit, runs Ideate BIMLink, and creates a NWC file for each view as defined by an Ideate BIMLink definition. The built-in BIMLink link definition filters on views that begin with NWC.  
01 Publishing - Dynamic IBL-Export_PDF_Combined_Dynamic Open the selected Revit File without opening the excluded worksets.

01 Publishing - Dynamic


For each Revit file selected, starts Revit, runs Ideate BIMLink, and creates a PDF document per sheet from a specified list of sheet names as defined, sorted, and filtered by an Ideate BIMLink definition.

02 Health Check ISW-Health_Check For each Revit file selected, first optionally copies a predefined Excel file to a new location. Starts Revit, runs Ideate BIMLink, loads the links used for health checks, and creates or updates an existing health check spreadsheet. Runs Ideate Explorer and exports any Revit Warnings to the same Excel file. Runs IdeateApps>Annotate and exports any non-dismissed issues to the same Excel file.
03 Quality Control ANN-Export_Issues For each Revit file selected, runs IdeateApps>Annotate and exports non-dismissed issues to a CSV file.
03 Quality Control IBL-Export_Link_Definitions Starts Revit, runs Ideate BIMLink, loads any links from the specified folder, and exports each link to the specified Excel file.
03 Quality Control IBL-Export_Project_Link_Definitions Starts Revit, runs Ideate BIMLink, and exports each link loaded within the Revit file to a separate Excel file. This script includes an option to leave Revit open after the work is done.
03 Quality Control IBL-Multi-Export Starts Revit, runs Ideate BIMLink, loads any links from the specified folder, and exports each link to a separate Excel file.
03 Quality Control IEX-Export_Warnings For each Revit file selected, starts Revit, runs Ideate Explorer and exports all Revit Warnings with the corresponding Explorer Rank and Is Hidden status.
03 Quality Control SPL-All_Sheets Runs Ideate Spellcheck and checks each sheet, including its views and schedules, for misspellings in the given Revit files. Produces reports of the results for each Revit file.
03 Quality Control STL-Analyze_CAD_Imports_RFA For a folder of family files, runs Ideate StyleManager and analyzes for CAD import object styles.
03 Quality Control STL-Analyze_CAD_Imports_RVT Runs Ideate StyleManager in a project and analyzes only the "Imports in Families" object styles.
03 Quality Control STL-Analyze_RVT Open the selected files as a copy via Detach or SAVEAS, then runs Ideate StyleManager and analyzes the items for the selected style. It creates a report listing the ones that are in use. Object Styles will include imported styles.
04 Quantity Takeoff IBL-QTO For each Revit file selected, first optionally copies a predefined Excel file to a new location. Starts Revit, runs Ideate BIMLink, loads the links used for quantity takeoffs, and creates or updates an existing quantity takeoff spreadsheet.
05 Revision Management IBL-Document_Issuance For each Revit file selected, first optionally copies a predefined Excel file to a new location. Starts Revit, runs Ideate BIMLink, loads the links used for document issuance record (DIR) management, and creates or updates an existing document issuance spreadsheet. 
06 COBie IBL-COBie For each Revit file selected, starts Revit, runs Ideate BIMLink, loads the links used for COBie, and creates or updates an existing COBie data worksheet.

Product-Specific Scripts  

Ideate Automation can be used with your licensed versions of Ideate BIMLink, Ideate Explorer, IdeateApps, and Ideate StyleManager to save time and improve data output consistency. You can learn more about these product-specific scripts by selecting the hyperlinks below.

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