The following are explanations of Ideate Sticky error and warning messages you may encounter in your Revit projects.
You will need to open at least one more view before deleting this Sticky. Revit does not allow deleting the schedule associated with this Sticky because it is the only open view in the project.
If you try to delete from the main Sticky Dialog, and that schedule view is the only open view, you will receive this message:
You will need to switch the active view to a Sheet View. A Sticky can only be created when a Sheet View is the active view.
You can make changes to the schedule using Revit by double clicking to edit the Sticky Schedule, however those changes will be overwritten if you choose to update the Sticky Schedule from the Excel worksheet. Be very careful so you don’t lose your editing changes!
You have set the sticky to Auto-update. Any changes you make in Revit will be overwritten the next time the project is opened. Sticky will check on project open to make sure it has the latest Excel files.
Please change the Sticky Schedule Name to remove any of these special characters.
Another user has borrowed elements or owns the workset of the Sticky Schedule View. Just like a regular Revit Schedule, all elements except images, belong to the View of the Sticky Schedule. It’s very important to note that images within a schedule are placed on the Active Workset. If you own the Sticky Schedule View, but not the workset containing the images, you will receive the following error:
It is best if all users on the project complete a Synchronize-To-Central and relinquish all borrowed elements. Then the user requesting the update from the Sticky Dialog, can complete the task.
If all project users have completed a Synchronize -To-Central, but the user requesting the Sticky update still cannot update the Sticky, it may require another STC operation or a Reload Latest. You will see the following message if the user needs to Reload Latest because the file is out of date:
If the view template assigned to the default schedule type is set to not show schedule headers, the following warning message is displayed:
To resolve, edit the current default view template, or assign as default a view template that will have the ‘Show Headers’ set.
This warning is most often associated with projects that are hosted on BIM 360 or Revit Server and indicates that the current status of the central file is in flux or that the cloud service cannot be reached at this time. The suggested workaround is to first open the Sticky (Schedule) to force the workset ownership, then try to update the Sticky manually.