Sample Content

Ideate Annotate ships with sample Filter content for refining selections in Browse and Review.
There are also sample Tag Rules that can be used for rule-based smart tagging in Tag.

The sample content is located here: C:\ProgramData\Ideate\IdeateApps\en-US\Samples\Annotate

The default path to this content can be changed. Learn more under: Customizing IdeateApps


Filter Name Description
Align and Distribute List of elements supported by the Align and Distribute commands within Ideate Annotate.
Dimensions with Overrides Dimensions that have overrides might have 'fake' values.
Sheets-Custom Display Sheets and Views associated with sheet numbers specified by the filter. Customize to match your project.
Sheets-Rev1 Display Sheets and Views associated with sheets that have their current revision value equal to 1.
Tags - Free End Tags with a leader that is not set to attached.
Views-Not_on_Sheets Views that have not been placed on a sheet.

Tag Rules

Tag Rule Name Description
Casework-Lowers Tag all base cabinets below the floor.
Casework-Uppers Tag all upper cabinets above the top edge.
Doors-New Tag all Doors that have a Mark value in New Construction.
Ducts-Long Tag all horizontal Ducts that are greater than the specified length and are in phase 2.
Ducts-Short Tag all horizontal Ducts that are less than the specified length and are in phase 2.
Flex_Ducts-Rectangular Tag all rectangular Flex Ducts that are in the phase 2 sequence.
Flex_Ducts-Round Tag all round Flex Ducts that are in the phase 2 sequence.
Lighting_Fixtures-leader Tag all light fixtures at an angle and ignore fixtures that do not have a Type Mark value.
MC-Generic Adjust the category selection to fit your custom multi-category tag needs.
Pipes-Long Tag all horizontal Pipes that are greater than the specified length.
Pipes-Short Tag all Pipes that are within the specified size and have a slope less than 15 degrees.
Room-Ignore_Small Tag all rooms that are larger than the filtered area and in the new phase.
Spaces-Ignore_Small Tag all spaces that are larger than the filtered area and in the new phase.
Structural_Columns Structural Columns that do not have concrete in the structural material property
Structural_Columns-Conc Structural Columns that have concrete in the structural material property
Structural_Foundations Tag all Structural Foundations excluding nested families.
Structural_Framing All Structural Framing elements except web and chord members.
Walls-Exclude Exclude all curtain walls, wall types that have no Type Mark, and any wall that is part of a group.
Windows-New Tag all Windows that have a Type Mark value set in the New Construction Phase.

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