Review the Results

After identifying both the invisible Revit element and the Target View, Ideate XRay will scan for over (50) invisibility conditions and return one or more results. This topic covers how to use the information found within the Show Results dialog.

Topics in this Section


The missing/invisible element, and its properties, is listed at the top left of the Show Results dialog, as shown.


The select View, referred to as the Target View, and its properties, is listed at the top right of the Show Results dialog. 

Result Text

Result Image

View Discipline Result within Ideate XRay

Result Text

The Result Text is the text to the right of the image that provides an explanation about the reason for the invisibility. In many cases this text is customized to the project, so take time to read it carefully. In the example above the specific View Filter that is causing the issue is referenced.

Result Image

The Result Image relates to the cause of the invisibility and in many cases may provide important clues as to the solution. To see an enlarged view of the image, select the image once — see image below for reference.  To reduce the image size, select it again.

Enlarged View of Ideate XRay Image Result

Related topic: Resolve the Issues with Ideate XRay for Revit

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