Ideate Automation contains several sample script (.def) files that can be used to open Revit and run your licensed Ideate StyleManager and other licensed Ideate Software processes in the background. The scripts can be used by Ideate Automation or used in conjunction with other tools, like the Windows Task Scheduler.
Folder | Script | Description |
03 Quality Control | STL-Analyze_CAD_Imports_RFA | For a folder of family files, runs Ideate StyleManager and analyses for CAD import object styles. |
03 Quality Control | STL-Analyze_CAD_Imports_RVT | Runs Ideate StyleManager in a project and analyzes only the "Imports in Families" object styles. |
03 Quality Control | STL-Analyze_RVT | Open the selected files as a copy via Detach or SAVEAS, then runs Ideate StyleManager and analyzes the items for the selected style. It creates a report listing the ones that are in use. Object Styles will include imported styles. |
The Summary report is useful to understand which styles are used/unused while the Details report will only show those that are used and includes information about the usage. An example of both the reports, for Parameters, is shown below.
Related topic: Top Workflows for Ideate StyleManager