
The Create page is where you can browse and search the Library Folders for Scripts to use as a basis for your Automation Tasks.

Before creating any tasks please read the Files page.

Create new tasks in Ideate Automation Topics in this Section

Select a Script

Select Create on the left to see the Task Script Selection dialog as shown above.

Under the Library Folders pane is a folder structure of example scripts provided with Ideate Automation.

When a folder or subfolder is selected, the scripts contained within will be displayed in the Scripts pane on the right.

When an individual script is selected, a detailed description is provided in the Task Name: pane at the bottom.

Task Script Variables

Each Ideate Automation script will have one or more variables. In the example below the script called ISW-Health_Check has eight variables displayed:

  1. Revit Files: Click Browse to select a Revit file from Live Cloud Models or Local Models
  2. Use File List (yes/no) When this is enabled, the Revit Files: variable above will change to Revit File List: where you can browse to select a formatted text file that lists multiple Revit files. Read more about how to Use a Revit File List.
  3. Template File Location: A BIMLink .xlsx template is provided at the same location of the script. This can be modified.
  4. Export Folder: This is a required field that allows you to browse to the location of your choice that will receive the exports.
  5. Exported File Name: The default value can be modified by the user on this page. For example, if ${today.yyyMMdd}_ was deleted from the string, the Excel file names would match the name of the selected Revit files with a suffix of ISW-Health_Check.xlsx.
  6. Subfolder: This is another optional field
  7. Include Annotate Issues (yes/no): As this script is leveraging a connection to Ideate Annotate which is part of IdeateApps, this report can be enhanced with the discovered Annotate Issues.
  8. Include Views on Sheets only (yes/no) This is an additional option that will only display when the Include Annotate Issues variable above is enabled. 

Edit script variables

After filling in all variables, select Next to proceed to the the Confirm Task Selections dialog.

Related topic: Additional Options

Confirm Task Selections

Before you finalize and start the task you will want to confirm all variables and the Task Name itself. A default task name will be provided by the script, but you can edit this name to your preference.

When you have confirmed all values, and have closed any open sessions of Revit, select Save and Run. You will be returned to the Home page where you’ll see the new task in the task list. The progress bar will display while the task is running. Do not use the version(s) of Revit that are required for the task while the task is running.

confirm the task name

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