Ideate BIMLink allows the creation of several kinds of custom Revit families using data from an Excel spreadsheet. As of November 2019 these kinds of families are supported for creation and placement via Ideate BIMLink: furniture, furniture systems, generic models, masses, plantings, specialty equipment, and site elements. The example below illustrates how to create mass or generic model elements, but the process is similar for all supported elements.
To create new generic model or mass elements:
Ensure that the Mass or Generic Model elements to be created are already defined within the current Revit project. Place at least one instance of this family within the project (it can be deleted later). For space planning purposes, we recommend using a non-work-plane based Mass family so that the Level property can be used. A sample Mass family is provided within C:\Program Files\Ideate\Ideate Software 20xx\Ideate BIMLink\en-US\Samples\02 By Discipline\01 Architectural Links; called "Box-Ideate_2014.rfa".
In Ideate BIMLink use the Sample Link called "Masses-Create_NEW" or "Generic_Models-Create_NEW". These links include the "Level" property which only applies to non-work-plane based families. If your project is using a work-plane based family this property will not apply and may be stripped out of the link definition.
For each new element that you would like to create, enter the value "NEW" in the Id column.
Edit other properties as desired. The "Family and Type" field must be specified, the drop-down menu for the existing element(s) contains all the valid entries. You can use formulas or enter specific coordinate values for the X and Y coordinates. If you are using a non-work-plane based family you can edit the Level as well.
Rows representing any existing Masses or Generic Models can be deleted if desired; this will have no effect on the existing elements when the spreadsheet is imported.
Import the Excel spreadsheet back into Revit.
NOTE: If the specified 'Family and Type' value is not assigned Ideate BIMLink will create a new element based on the last valid element defined.
Mass elements are often used for space planning activities. Existing customers can request a Massing sample dataset request a Massing sample dataset which includes a schedule, custom tag and corresponding Excel file that can be used to create new Masses using this method.
Tips for Creating Rooms / Spaces
Rooms and Spaces will be set to the Design Option and/or Phase associated with the active view, regardless of the value for Phase or Design Option in the link. If you need to create different Rooms / Spaces for different Phases or different Design Options follow these tips to ensure the best outcome:
Create multiple Excel files and perform each import separately, having changed the Phase or Design Option in between each import.
Do not include the Phase or Design Option properties within the Link definition.
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