Ideate Software Installer (ISI) is a one-click tool to help deploy Ideate Software throughout your organization. The installer package includes all the MSI files for the most recent versions of all our desktop solutions. It can be used manually by individual users or with a network admin tool that supports “EXE’s”, such as SCCM or PDQ Deploy.
Run the Ideate Software Installer.exe to install all products and versions contained in the “IdeateInstallers” folder.
Open the “IdeateInstallers” folder and remove the MSI for any product or version you do not wish to install. As an alternative, use the command line switches (see below).
Enter your @servername or your license code into the license.txt file provided with the installer package. Only one code or servername can be used. Keep the file blank or remove it if you want no changes to the existing licenses on the end user machines. Alternative — place a pre-configured license.config file into the same folder as the Installer.exe. This will take precedence over the contents of license.txt.
Use your favorite network admin tool that supports EXE’s (SCCM etc.) to run the installer.
You can use the following switches: /SKIP_[product code]; /SKIP_[year] More Info.
This is not recommended, if it can be avoided. If the /Silent switch is not used, Ideate Software Installer will pop-up a window asking the user to close Revit or cancel the install. If the /SILENT switch is used, the installer will automatically run again the next time the user logs in to the PC. Note: Your company security settings may affect the ability of the user account to run the installer.
You can pre-configure the products, versions and licensing and then place the “Ideate Software Installer” folder on a network share or a cloud shared folder. Giving users read-only access will prevent them from altering the package for others.
If there is no license.txt, it is blank or no license.config file in the Ideate Software Installer folder, the existing license configuration will not be affected. All existing products should continue to work as long as the current license type & version is still valid. Any products that were not previously licensed will need to be activated the usual way in Revit.
Ideate Software Installer is optimized to work with standard bundles which contain the same number of licenses for all products and use only a single license code. For customers with more than one license code, these are the available options:
Option A:
Option B:
Option C:
The following switches have been implemented to help you customize Ideate Software deployments. The switches can be combined and used multiple times to achieve the desired combination of products:
/SILENT — run without the command line window.
/ActiveOnly — installs Ideate Software for only the Revit versions already on the PC
/SKIP_[product code] — skips all versions of a product. Use a separate /SKIP for each product you want to skip.
/SKIP_IBL — Ideate BIMLink
/SKIP_IEX — Ideate Explorer
/SKIP_ISB — Ideate Sticky
/SKIP_IAP — IdeateApps (Note: this refers to the specific product ‘IdeateApps’)
/SKIP_STL — Ideate Style Manager
/SKIP_ITD — Ideate Automation
/SKIP_[year] — skips the listed product year for ALL installed products. Use a separate /SKIP for each version you want to skip.
/UNINSTALL_[YEAR] — uninstall all Ideate Software products of the specified year version. NOTE: If an /UNINSTALL command is run, the installer will no longer install the MSI’s in the same run!
“...path to .exe” /SILENT /SKIP_2018 — silently install all products, versions 2019-2021
“...path to .exe” /SILENT /SKIP_STL /SKIP_2018 /SKIP_2019 — silently install all products except Ideate Style Manager, skips versions 2018 and 2019