Search Tool

Many Ideate Software solutions include search text boxes in a variety of locations. In this help topic we will cover the basic use of the search and note some unique conditions that are product-specific.

Entering and Clearing Search Terms

The Search text box filters the results displayed within the dialog. For example, in Ideate Explorer, shown below, typing col reduces the results of the displayed element to list. In most instances the search results are dynamic, meaning the list is modified as each part of the search text is entered. In Ideate Explorer, Annotate, and QuickSelect you need to select the Search button (binoculars) or Enter to commit the text search before the filtered results will display. See this topic for other product-specific search tips.

Selecting the Search button (Binoculars) again will re-set the Results to its previous state.

Clearing Revit Search Terms with Ideate Explorer

Text Searched

Typically the text being searched is only the text that is displayed within the list shown in the dialog, however, Ideate Explorer, QuickSelect, and Annotate search for some additional data fields. See product-specific search tips for details.

Search Tips

The search behavior, like a Google search, supports the use of quotation marks and multiple strings. In the example below from IdeateApps>SheetManager, the search for power 1 returns (5) floor plans. We are looking for partial words that include both power and 1, but not explicitly in that order. If the search is changed to 1 power the results will be the same. However, if the search includes quotes such as “1 power” the results will be only (4) floor plans because the first plan shown below does not exactly match the text; it includes the ‘-’ character also.

common expression search in Ideate Software

Product-Specific Search Tips

Ideate Explorer

Ideate Explorer, in addition to the text displayed in the Results area, also searches within the tag text value, which is not displayed but can be viewed within Ideate Query. For a more detailed search, including parameter values, use the Ideate Query or the Filter Drop-downs.

In Ideate Explorer you need to select the Search button (binoculars) or Enter to commit the text search before the filtered results will display.


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