Ideate StyleManager workflows can be scripted and scheduled via the use of Ideate Automation. Using Ideate Automation to run these long-running tasks during lunch or outside of your normal working hours for optimum efficiency. Each of the StyleManager sample scripts is prefaced with STL- and can be found within the Ideate Software Scripts\03 Quality Control folder as shown below.
The top workflow examples for using Ideate StyleManager with Ideate Automation are related to running time-intensive analysis tasks such as Object Styles, Line Styles, Line Patterns, or Parameters. The other top-requested workflow is to batch process Revit family files (RFAs) to analyze for CAD Import Styles. See below for details on each of these popular workflows.
Use the STL-Analyze_RVT_Summary script shown above to generate a report on any of the ‘styles’ supported by Ideate Style Manager. This can be particularly useful in larger project files for long-running tasks such as analyzing the use of line styles or parameters. Before running this script ensure that everyone is out of the file to eliminate worksharing conflicts. You can use the drop-down as shown to pick the desired style.
The output for this task is a report that can be used to pinpoint problematic styles. Use the report to assign cleanup tasks. Note that the Time of Analysis column indicates the amount of time, in seconds, used to complete the analysis. This is similar to the amount of time that Revit would need to delete that style.
Use the script called STL-Analyze_CAD_Imports_RFA to review your Revit family library for CAD Imports. The result of this task is a CSV file that looks like this. All CAD Import Object Styles for each family are listed along with the Analysis State, showing whether the style is in use.
The script in Automation Scripts\02 File Auditing called AUT-Families-RFA is related to this workflow but produces a different output as shown below. This data reveals whether or not there are instances of CAD Import elements within a family file. Notice that the first family file, called 11x17 Landscape TBLK does not have any CAD Import elements, as shown below, but that when reviewed with the StyleManager script the object style is in use, as shown above. This is an indication that a CAD Import was present, got deleted, but left behind unwanted Object Styles that will manifest into a Revit project file whenever that family is loaded. We have cleaning work to do here!