Categories Tab

The Categories tab in Ideate BIMLink allows you to edit the categories used when exporting a Revit Multi-Category or Multi-Category Type link only. This tab does not apply to other kinds of links.

Edit Revit Multi-Categories in Ideate BIMLink

Revit categories to include
Select categories in this list to include elements from that category in the link.  The list of categories was substantially extended during the 2015 summer release of Ideate BIMLink.

Use the Search option to filter the list of categories.  For example, typing "electrical" would narrow the list to Electrical Circuits, Electrical Equipment, Electrical Equipment Tags, Electrical Fixture Tags and Electrical Fixtures. The list of available properties (on the Properties tab) is not impacted by Categories selected on this tab – the Properties tab will still display properties for all categories.

Hide unchecked
If checked, only Categories included in the link are displayed.

Check Visible / Uncheck Visible
Check Visible selects all displayed categories, excluding any that may be hidden by the Search filter. Uncheck Visible deselects only those categories being displayed and does not impact those that are hidden due to the Search filter.

Check All / Uncheck All
Check All selects all categories. Check None deselects all categories, including hidden ones.

Tip:  The complete list of categories that have been selected are summarized on the Link tab.

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