Ideate StyleManager lets you analyze, rename, merge, and delete Revit object styles as defined in the Object Style Management help topic.
Object styles listed within the Imported Objects tab (shown below at right) reflect the style information that comes from any of these sources:
In this topic we will describe how to search, analyze and delete these imported object styles.
The presence of an imported object style in a project does not necessarily mean that there are graphic elements within the project, but without Ideate StyleManager it’s very difficult to know the truth on this point. In the example above the Green-Drain.dwg style is a remnant of an exploded import and is no longer in use as indicated by Ideate StyleManager, on the left. The Revit dialog, on the right, shows this style cannot be deleted, but Ideate StyleManager will allow this deletion.
When reviewing imported object styles, it’s recommended that you filter the list by unchecking the Object Styles checkbox and leaving the Imported Style checked. Within the filtered results you will notice that some of the import styles are shown in bold; these indicate a parent style. Styles listed underneath are the children of that parent. Green-Drain.dwg is the parent and Green-Drain.dwg: DIM is a child in the image above. Before you can delete any object style, it must first be analyzed.
To analyze a style, select it from the Found in File pane, then select the Analyze button.
TIP: When analyzing imported object styles that include a .DWG or .DGN, it is expedient to first select and analyze the parent style (in bold). If the parent is not in use there’s no value in analyzing the children and deleting the parent will also delete the children.
If an imported style is used in the current file (family, template, or project), then the details about how it is used are displayed at the right within the Usage pane. This information will indicate whether the style comes from a linked or imported CAD file or if it is embedded within a family file. It’s important to note the usages, as their related styles are treated differently within Ideate StyleManager.
The method for deleting imported object styles varies with the usage: Linked CAD Files, Imported CAD Files, and Families
If an imported style is used by a linked CAD file, then the Delete button will be disabled for the parent style only. This is for your safety, folks! You do not want to delete a link. Use the Manage Links dialog in Revit for that task. It will be possible to delete the children styles of a CAD link, but it is generally not recommended because a reload of that link would simply reconstitute the styles. Instead it’s recommended that the link be selected and then you should use Revit’s delete layers tool if needed. Linked CAD files have two possible usage results:
Import Instances refer to an imported CAD file or the results of partially exploded CAD imports. Imported Styles used by imported CAD files have a unique behavior within Ideate StyleManager, which is that we allow you to delete the parent and children styles, whether they are used or not. Deleting the parent that is “Used” will result in the deletion of the related parent and children object styles as well as the graphics associated with that import. This action will be preceded by a warning.
The Imports in Families object styles indicate that a family within the project (used or unpurged) has an import or exploded import within the family file. In the example below the style called A-DETL-DIMS is found within (23) families as noted in the Usage pane. Many people prefer these styles to be removed entirely from family content. If you agree you should use StyleManager to edit each family and replace the content with native Revit elements (lines, regions, extrusions, etc.). To delete these styles, refer to Ideate StyleManager Basics.
Related Topics: How Do I Delete a Hidden DWG in Revit with Ideate Explorer? and How Do I Purge Imports in Revit Models with Ideate Explorer?