Anatomy of a Script

The series of images that follow are examining the AUT-Open_RVT_Files script that is used in the first Getting Started Exercise.
The intent is to help you understand the structure, organization, format, and logic at a very high level.

Above, we are showing the tree structure of the script collapsed and you can see the <script_definition> is what contains all of the elements of the script, starting with at least two <task definitions>.

When the first task definition named primary=”true” is expanded, we see four important parts where the <taskName>, <description>, <variable list>, and <command list> are contained.

The <variable_List> contains the all of the options that are presented in the Ideate Automation UI while on the Task Script Variable section of the Create page. The corresponding image of the settings in the UI is shown here in the Getting Started guide.

The <command_list> contains all of the commands that are used in the script. You can read more about Ideate Automation commands here as well as commands that are accessible in other Ideate Software tools like BIMLink, Explorer, Style Manager, and IdeateApps.

The first command is to find the Revit files that were specified in the <variable_List>. Note that the command controller in use is “OS” which means the command is running in the Windows Operating System to run a different script that is nested here in the script.

The last command in the <command_list> is running multiple nested commands to do the work defined by this script in both Windows and Revit.

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