Ideate XRay can be found on the Ideate Software tab, on the IdeateApps ribbon. Use Ideate XRay to understand why a Revit element is not visible within a specific Revit view, referred to as the "Target View".
In this exercise we will use the Revit sample file named rst_basic_sample_project.rvt.
The file may already be installed on your computer at C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 202x\Samples.
Revit sample files from Autodesk are available for download 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
This exercise will cover the basic usage of Ideate XRay:
In this sample project you will discover that many of the section and elevation markers are mysteriously missing. In the first part of this exercise we will use the Selection Wizard within Ideate XRay to select the missing view reference.
Ideate XRay needs both a missing element, which you've already selected, AND a Target View in which the element is missing. If you only have one view open, the Target View will already be set. If you have more than one View, be sure that your Target View is set correctly as shown. In this exercise the Target View should be the "Structural Plan: Level 1".
After the missing element and the Target View are specified, you are ready to put Ideate XRay to work.
In this example there are four reasons causing the Section Marker to be invisible, though only three will display at the beginning. In some cases there are inter-dependencies between the results, so as one is resolved, run Ideate XRay check again to confirm success and to determine if one fix has also resolved other issues.
In this exercise we will first address the result called "Hidden by Category".
The "Hidden per Scale" result indicates that Longitudinal Section reference mark is currently set up to only display in a view whose scale is less coarse than 1:20.
Before attempting to address this issue, take a moment to review the text, providing a summary level description of the issue. Because this issue has more than one possible resolution, there is no Fix option. The 'Show Me' button is also inactive because there is no dialog to be opened that would provide a quick fix...rats! The good news is that the Help file under More Info provides detailed information about the nature of this issue. If you want to cheat this time, we'll skip the opportunity to learn more, and just tell you how to fix it.
For extra fun, actually read the detailed information on View Discipline - View Reference.
This particular result cannot be assessed until the other results have all been eliminated as possible culprits.
Select the "Show Me" button to see the view where the Crop Region of the View Reference can be seen. This will open and focus on the View called "Section: Longitudinal Section" if it has not already been opened.
Within the Properties Palette turn on the "Crop Region Visible" property for the Longitudinal Section view, then Apply.
Notice that the lower portion of the View Region stops at Level 2.
Using the grip edits of the Crop Region, drag it downward to include Level 1.
Now...finally you should be able to see the Section Mark within the Level 1 plan.
Read the detailed information on View Reference Extents.