Manage Calculated Values

A 'Calculated Value' within a Revit Schedule can be used to modify existing parameter values through the use of mathematical (e.g. Volume / Area)  or conditional expressions (e.g. IF, THEN). Autodesk refers to these values not as parameters, but only as values.  As such, they have a unique condition of not being able to be exported via Ideate BIMLink. You can learn how to display the results of the calculated parameter with this topic: Use Pivot Tables with Ideate BIMLink

Similarly, Ideate BIMLink has many unique properties that are not available within Revit schedules, such as coordinate data or sheet-based revision sequence data. You can follow the process below to display those customer properties within your Revit schedule.

Mapping Ideate BIMLink Custom Properties into a Schedule

This data management challenge is one that Ideate BIMLink customers can easily resolve, through a couple of simple steps:

  1. Establish a shared or project parameter to hold the custom Ideate BIMLink calculated value. If you need the data to display within a tag, be sure to use a shared parameter.
  2. Create link definition to include both the Ideate BIMLink custom property and the new shared or project parameter.
  3. Export the data from Ideate BIMLink.
  4. In Excel, copy and paste the custom data into the new parameter.
  5. Import the results back into Revit.  The values will now display within Schedules or Tags as needed.

Related topic: Ideate BIMLink Occupancy Data Sample dataset.

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