Ideate Query in Annotate
Ideate Query is a properties-based selection tool found within IdeateApps>Annotate that can be used for a variety of Revit workflows. This topic outlines some of the popular workflow examples.
Select Tags based on Tagged Element Properties
Sometimes it is useful to be able to adjust the type of tag, or to delete certain tags based upon the element that is being tagged. For example, you may want to ensure that curtain wall elements are not tagged with the standard wall tag, or that all boiler family elements use a specific mechanical equipment tag. To use Ideate Query to filter the selection set based on tagged element properties, follow these steps:
- Start Ideate Annotate from Ideate Software tab
- Activate the Browse tab
- Change the Display to <Entire Project> if so desired.
- Select all [Category] elements such as Mechanical Equipment Tags
- Select the Query button.
- Type "family" into the Search box (#1)
- Select the Type property called "Family and Type" fron the Type group (#2)
- While holding the Ctrl key, also select the property called "Family and Type” (#3) from the Tagged Element group to add this as a second property on the right-hand side.
- Check any of the elements to refine the selection set (#4), then use the Select button to return to Ideate Annotate>Browse.
- The selected elements can be easily edited within Revit via the Properties palette. For example, you can now change the tag family to a different type or family.
NOTES: Tagged Element properties are limited to built-in and shared parameters.
Review Who Created Levels and Grids
Revit Grids and Levels are important 3d/2d datum elements that can be managed and viewed via Ideate Annotate. As part of an auditing practice you can use Ideate Query to review who created and last updated these elements.
- Start Ideate Annotate from Ideate Software tab
- Activate the Browse tab
- Next, type by in the Search box and select the
Created By
property as shown below.
- Next, use Ctrl+select and pick the
Last Updated By
property as shown below.
NOTE: The Last Updated By property only pertains to workshared projects and reports information per the last sync.
Review All Weld Symbols
Weld symbols can be difficult to manage in part because they are Generic Annotations and are not covered by Revit schedules. Ideate Annotate can help find and manage weld symbols and with the Ideate Query tool you can also search your weld symbols based on their parametric values. To find all Field Weld symbols and review the View name at the same time, follow these steps:
- Start Ideate Annotate from Ideate Software tab
- Activate the Browse tab
- Next, type "weld" in the Search box to make it easier to find the Generic Annotation items that are related to weld symbols.
- Check all weld-related Generic Annotation elements.
- Select the Ideate Query button.
- Type "name" into the Search box.
- Select the View property called "View Name"
- All Views that contain a Generic Annotation weld symbol will display on the right-hand side.
- Type "field" into the Search box.
- While holding the Ctrl key select the property called "Field Weld" to add this as a second property on the right-hand side.
- Select the column header for Field Weld to sort the results.
- Check any of the elements to refine the selection set, then use the Select button to return to Ideate Annotate>Browse.
- From within the Browse results window, double-click an one of the family instances to open a view where that instance can be seen.