When using Ideate ViewCreator to batch create room-based views you have two options that impact which views will be created and whether one sheet, many sheets, or no sheets will also be created. See below for details about the Room Rule and Clone Sheet layout options.
The Clone Sheet method, described below, is most useful to create one sheet per each room and when the room sizes are similar. For all other conditions the Room Rule method should be used. A typical Room Rule is shown below. Learn more: Creating Custom Room Rules
The Clone Sheet method, shown below, is most useful to create one sheet of views per each selected room. This method will use one of the sheets in the existing Revit project as a template from which new room-based sheets will be created. Select the [...] button to the right of the Clone Sheet drop-down to begin. This method works well when the room in the template is similar in size to the selected rooms. If that is not the case, the Room Rule method may yield more desirable results.
The template used for the Clone Sheet must have at least one supported view type: plan, ceiling plan, elevation, or 3d view. The newly created sheets will match the title block and the relative sheet placement of each room-based view found on the template.
You can also copy sheet-based linework and annotation to the newly created sheets. Revision clouds will be ignored. Any schedules that are placed on the sheet that has room based filtered information will get duplicated and filter values will get updated on the new sheets.