How Do I Safely Move Elements to Another Level?

Finding a bad level in your Revit model should strike fear in your heart. Most content placed in a Revit model have a level association, including model elements and views. Even annotations such as text, dimensions, and tags can be impacted by this problem. In this topic we will cover the basic methods that can be used to fix this condition using Ideate Explorer and other Ideate solutions for Revit.

Create Duplicate Views on New Levels

  1. Before you move your model elements, use Ideate Explorer to assess which views are associated with the bad level.
  2. Change the tab in Ideate Explorer to Navigate and select all Views.
  3. Select the Query button to find Views that have an Associated Level property that matches your ‘bad’ level.
  4. If you have views that are on the ‘bad level’ these views will be deleted when the Level is deleted. Consider using the Views to Level method in Ideate View Creator to make duplicate views prior to proceeding to the next step.

Note that annotative elements such as tags will be lost during this process. If needed they can be manually copied and pasted to the new views.

Use Ideate ViewCreator to make copies of the views associated with incorrect level (Level 2 here) and placed on the correct associated level (Level 2a).

Move Model Elements

When moving elements from one level to another, there is an order of operation, as well as some elements require different processes based on how Revit handles them. Ideate Explorer can be used to select the elements on the unwanted levels and move them to the correct Level. You can later utilize Ideate Smart Delete to verify that there are no dependencies any longer on unwanted levels after moving your contents to the correct level.

  1. Start Ideate Explorer.
  2. Set the Display to "Entire Project"
  3. Set the Sort By: to "Level"
  4. Use the <Model> Filter.
  5. Expand the Level hierarchy to show the list of Levels as well as <level unassigned>.
  6. Select the elements by Category, Family and/or Type that are in the incorrect levels and move them to the correct level using properties. When selecting, the recommendation is to select one category at a time.
  7. When choosing the Categories, make sure that the elements moving don’t lose their host.

Duplicate Spatial Elements

Spatial elements such as Rooms, Spaces, and Areas are hardwired to the level upon which they were created. In order to ‘move’ these elements, you will need to recreate the elements with the same properties on the good level.

  1. Start Ideate Explorer
  2. Open view where all the spatial elements on the bad level can be seen 
  3. Set the Display to “Active View”
  4. Set the Sort By: to “Level”
  5. Select the spatial elements and optionally any related tags or color fill legends, then select the Cut tool from the Revit>Modify>Clipboard panel
  6. Change your view to the corresponding new view, then use the Paste>Aligned to Current View.

Delete the Level

  1. Select the Level to be deleted
  2. Utilize Ideate SmartDelete to confirm there are no more needed dependencies and delete the undesirable level
  3. Once the level is deleted, all the associated viewports will also get deleted 

This workflow is ideal for projects where there are duplicate levels at the same elevation. When the elevation values are different you will need to also consider some nuances that relate to the offsets of various hosted elements.

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