Structural Queries

This section includes some common structural examples of how to use Ideate Query in Ideate Explorer for Revit. 

Review All Weld Symbols
Select Rebar by Host

Review all Weld Symbols

Weld symbols can be difficult to manage in part because they are Generic Annotations and are not covered by Revit schedules.  Ideate Explorer can help find and manage weld symbols and with the Ideate Query tool you can also search your weld symbols based on their parametric values.  To find all Field Weld symbols and review the View name at the same time, follow these steps:

  1. Start on the Explore tab and set the Filter to <Annotation>.
  2. Next, select type "weld" in the Search box to make it easier to find the Generic Annotation items that are related to weld symbols.
  3. Check all weld-related Generic Annotation elements.
  4. Select the Ideate Query button.
  5. Type "name" into the Search box.  
  6. Select the View property called "View Name"
  7. All Views that contain a Generic Annotation weld symbol will display on the right-hand side.
  8. Type "field" into the Search box.
  9. While holding the Ctrl key select the property called "Field Weld" to add this as a second property on the right-hand side.
  10. Select the column header for Field Weld to sort the results.
  11. Check any of the elements to refine the selection set, then use the Select button to return to Ideate Explorer.
  12. From within the Ideate Explorer results window, double-click an one of the family instances to open a view where that instance can be seen.

Structural Examples of Using Ideate Query in Ideate Explorer for Revit

Select Rebar by Host

Ideate Query gives you access to hard-to-find properties such as the Host information for Rebar. To select Rebar elements based upon their Host Category:

  1. Start on the Explore tab and set the Filter to <Model>.
  2. Type "rebar" in the Search box.
  3. Next, select all Rebar elements.
  4. Select the Ideate Query button.
  5. Type "host" into the Search box. Ideate Query will filter the properties and only display those that contain the word "host".
  6. Select the Instance property called "Host Category". Note that there are additional Host properties below that may also be useful.
  7. All possible values will display on the right-hand side.
  8. Select the type of Rebar according to the desired Host Category as shown below.
  9. From within the Ideate Explorer results window, double-click an one of the family instances to open a view where that instance can be seen.

Structural Examples of Using Ideate Query in Ideate Explorer for Revit


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